California Poppy

Latin name: Eschscholzia californica Family: Papaveraceae (Poppy family) DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Whole plant including roots in fresh state or dried, ariel portions. Has a reputation for being non-addictive, milder substitute for Opium poppy. CONSTITUENTS Alkaloids (0.5-2%) Pavine alkaloids (californidine, escholzine) Protopine (antispasmodic, anti-arrhthymic, anticholinergic {blocksacetylcholine}, binds to GABA) Benzophenanthrides Aporphine alkaloids…

Yellow Dock

Latin name: Rumex crispus, Rumex obtusifolius Family: Polygonaceae Folk Names: Curled dock, curly dock, Chukkah, field sorrel. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Roots mostly, mucilaginous new leaves still in sheath. Traditionally native to Europe and Western Asia, yellow dock has now naturalized in North America and will grow almost anywhere. The perennial herb…

Slippery Elm

Latin name: Ulmus rubra Family: Ulmaceae Folk Names: Indian elm, Elm, Red elm, Rock elm, Slippery elm, Sweet elm. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Inner Bark. Native Americans traditionally used this tree’s bark which is rough, reddish brown color. The deciduous tree itself grows 40-60 feet with branches containing dark, green ovate leaves…


Latin name: Verbascum thapsus Family: Scrophulariaceae Folk Names: Aaron’s Rod, Adam’s flannel, beggars blanket, beggars stock, big taper, blanket, blanket leaves, bollocks lungwort, candlewick plant, clot, cuddy’s lungs, duffle, feltwort, flannel plant, Jacob’s staff, Jupiter staff, old man’s dock, old man’s flannel, our ladies flannel, rag paper, shepherd’s club, shepherd’s staff, torch, velvet dock, velvet…


Latin name: Althaea officinalis Family: Malvaceae Folk Names: Althaea leaf, rose of sharon, altheia, malve, mortification root, mucilage, sweet weed, witte malve, wymote, cheeseweed. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Root, Leaf Native to Europe and Asia this slimy plant is used to treat all mucus membranes. This low growing plant presents with divided…