
Latin name: Stellaria media Family: Caryophyllaceae Folk Names: mouse-ear, satinflower, starweed, starwort, tongue grass, white bird’s-eye, winterweed, and chickenwort, capiqui, fleur en satin, herbe de langue, hierba gallinera, morgeline, mouron des oiseaux, pamplina, stellaire intermédiaire, stellaire moyenne. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Native to Europe, chickweed is now found all over North America (and even the Arctic). This ground creeping annual…


Latin name: Arctium lappa (Linne), Arctica minus, Arctium tomentosa, Arctium tomentosum (Mill). Family: Asteraceae Folk Names: Arctium, Bardana, Bardana-minor, Bardanae Radix, Bardane, Bardane Comestible, Bardane Géante, Bardane Majeure, Beggar’s Buttons, Burdock Root Extract, Burr Seed, Clotbur, Cocklebur, Cockle Buttons, Edible Burdock, Fox’s Clote, Gobo, Glouteron, Grande Bardane, Great Bur, Great Burdocks, Happy Major, Hardock, Harebur, Herbe aux Teigneux, Herbe du Teigneux, Lappa, Love Leaves, Niubang, Niu Bang Zi, Orelha-de-gigante, Personata, Philanthropium, Rhubarbe du Diable, Thorny Burr. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Part of the Plant Used Native to Asia and Europe, burdock…


Latin name: Agathosma betulina, Agathosma crenulata, Agathosma serratifolia, Barosma betulina, Barosma crennulata, Barosma serratifolia (Afrikaans). Family: Rutaceae Folk Names: Anysboegoe, Barasmae Folium, Bergboegoe, Bookoo, Bucco, Buccu, Bucku, Bukku, Diosma, Long-Leaf Buchu, Oval Buchu, Oval-Leaf Buchu, Round Buchu, Round-Leaf BuchuShort Buchu DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS  Part of the Plant Used Historically cultivated in South Africa, bushu is a low, creeping perennial, with small blue purple or white flowers. The white corkscrew-shaped…